SECURITY: Arms transport
Regulated weapons, the acquisition, possession and use of which are authorized or permitted, must be billed and transported in the hold of the aircraft.
Transport conditions
- Weapons must be unloaded and in their case.
- The ammunition will be transported in a rigid case and independent of the employee, to transport the weapon.
Procedure to follow at the airport of origin
A. In the Office of Weapons Intervention.
Passengers residing in Spain and those belonging to the EU must submit the following documentation:
- DNI or passport
- Gun license.
- Weapon membership guide.
- Transport title (ticket).
- European weapons card (EU countries).
NOTE: In the event that the person who invoices the weapon is not the owner of it, they must also present an authorization from the owner to carry out the billing process.
Foreign passengers not belonging to the EU must submit the following documentation:
- Passport.
- Special permission granted upon entry into Spain.
- Fly ticket
In both cases, form 790 (one form per traveler) will be filled out, paying the corresponding fee, which the fee at any bank before going to the airport.
Model 790 Invalid example

In addition to the required documentation, the gun and ammunition cases will be delivered along with the luggage to be billed.
The personnel of the company responsible for billing will be responsible for sealing, as established, weapons and ammunition.
Procedure to follow at the airport of origin
If your destination is an EU country, you should know that the European firearms card will be the documentation of your weapon. You should not forget to present it to the competent authorities at the border entry point so that, once checked and sealed, is properly enabled
If your destination is a country outside the EU, inform the embassy or consulate in Spain of that country about the local legislation in force regarding the possession, circulation and use of firearms.
You will have to withdraw your weapon at the Weapons Intervention of the airport, where you will have to present the authorization for the shipment of weapons.